replacing zero values of the field using arcmap
In computing the velocity and time of the flow path, the slope is needed but their are values in its field that are zero. so, how can I replace those zero values into 0.0001 so that the output of the...
View ArticleDissolving points based on easting and northing with statistic type first as...
I have two points features having point_ID, Easting and Northing fields and want to dissolve based on Easting and Northing with statistic type aggregate as “first” for point_ID, as you do in ArcMap....
View ArticleTime series animation problem
How to create time series animation with unequal time interval in the data in ArcGIS? for eg I have population data for the years 2013,2012,2010,2004,1990,1950,1900, so how can I create time series...
View ArticleHow to extract information from several shapefiles in the same time?
I’m using ArcGIS 10.2.1. I have a shapefile for 10 catchments and other three shapefiles for landuse, soil type and rock types. To extract the area of land use types, soil types or rock types for each...
View ArticleIs there a way to change the orientation of all text labels at once?
I rotated my extent -45 degree to make it look better. Problem is all the labels that I converted to graphics so I could rearrange them are also at -45 degrees. Any way to change that easily?
View ArticleUnable to select ArcGIS layout boxes (created with Insert Picture) after path...
I inserted a few png images into my map layout (state road shields), but when I changed the path for the folder they were located in, they no longer appear. The problem is that a box has appeared that...
View ArticleArcscan greyed out
the Arcscan toolbar is greyed out. The Arcscan extension is enabled. The raster is a “bi-level” image There is an editable polyline layer in the ArcMap TOC Do you have any idea why i still can’t use...
View ArticleUsing CURRENT_DATE function on ArcSDE SQL Server Database?
I am writing a script to access data from each day. I would like to select by attribute and send these features to a local file geodatabase. After reading some documenation, CURRENT_DATE is the...
View ArticleWidening Multiple Polygons at same time in ArcMap?
I am trying to edit polygons in the same feature class. I have a feature class which contain a number of polygons. I will need to increase the size of the polygons but only the width (the length has to...
View ArticleCan Compound Topographic Index (CTI) / Topographic Wetness Index (TWI)...
I am calculating Topographic Wetness Index for a study area using SRTM DEM (90 and 30m). I’ve seen several versions of TWI (CTI). I have been using: TWI = ln(As +1 / tanB) where As = catchment area, B...
View ArticleHow to Calculate Field in joined table using ArcPy?
I have to calculate a field based on another field in a joined table, but an error occurs: “Parameters are not valid. ERROR 000728: Field !Table_A.field_A! does not exist within table” My code: import...
View ArticleCombining rows in an attribute table based on field
I am using ArcMap 10.2.2 on a Windows 7 PC. I have shapefile range data for multiple species (multiple species in one layer), and this range data is accompanied by information relevant to the species....
View ArticleCan you re number representations in arcmap?
I created a representation and added loaded rule or import symbols but had to delete some. Now the numbers in front of the name of the rule is out of order ( [2],[3],[5],[7]). I know you can change the...
View ArticleDelete custom toolbar grayed out in ArcGIS 10.2
Recently I worked on adding a custom toolbar to ArcMap. It took a few tries, and now there are my initial ‘drafts’ of the toolbar still added to my ArcMap list of toolbars. According to the help, I...
View ArticleIs there a QGIS alternative for ArcMap's Append (to Shapefile) Data...
Is there something out there for QGIS that is similar to the Append Tool in ArcMap? Reason I am looking: I am currently working on a storm drainage project that involves GPSing Storm drain lids. My...
View ArticleHow to find soil names for “mukey” in USDA Soil Data SSURGO
I an trying to join the soil descriptions in the tabular data to the spatial data in ArcGIS. I have both the mukey and musym in the attribute table associated with my soil polygon layer in my map. When...
View ArticleAdding a layer can sometimes load raster footprint!
Just trying to refine my ArcObjects code to add a layer into ArcMap based on passing the fully quailified (String) name of the layer – problem is, if it’s a raster, it will load in the vector footprint...
View ArticlePasting Point goemetry with Z and M values to Simple Point Geometry
This should be kind of easy but I’m looking for a best practice scenario. I just tried adding 14 points from a point shapefile into another layer in our ArcSDE database. I assumed the layer in SDE was...
View Articleselect by location in vba
I got two Layers (Point and polygons) in my Application and want to write a vb macro, where point layer is cities layer and polygon layer is state’s layer, I want to know that how many cities are...
View ArticleAVHRR Max NDVI product
I’m trying to take a max annual NDVI product derived from AVHRR and relate it to a specific area that I’m examining.This requires me to identify the region of interest based on Landsat scenes, and...
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