I’m trying to take a max annual NDVI product derived from AVHRR and relate it to a specific area that I’m examining.This requires me to identify the region of interest based on Landsat scenes, and relate it to AVHRR’s raster resolution. I know what area I want to look at in the Landsat scenes, but am having trouble translating it to area in AVHRR, which is currently projected in North Pole Lambert Azimuth Equal Area.
My landsat layer is currently projected in UTM Zone 13N.
I have tried switching both projections to something compatible, with each to USA Contigous Lambert Conformal Conic, but there still seems to be a fundamental projection issue occurring. The region of interest is in NM, and it doesn’t appear the AVHRR scene is lining up as shown:
The basemap is projecting in WGS84, and it appears as though the reprojected landsat scene conforms with the baseman, whereas the AVHRR scene does not.