I’m doing an interpolation using kriging in Modelbuilder, my model is this:
Every time I run the model it says:
ERROR 010092: Invalid output extent. Failed to execute (Kriging).
Why does this happen?
I’m doing an interpolation using kriging in Modelbuilder, my model is this:
Every time I run the model it says:
ERROR 010092: Invalid output extent. Failed to execute (Kriging).
Why does this happen?
I’ve got a line feature class that contains Date field. I’ve made a layout view in order to display time animation of this feature class. I’ve managed to enable the time option in the layer and to create a Data Frame Time text in correspondence to the elapsed time.
I’m looking to enrich the layout by creating a dynamic text element of the feature class’ accumulated ‘Shape_Length’ field, according to the elapsed datetime – time elapsing > accumulated ‘Shape_Length’ gets bigger.
I’ve tried several ways to do it, but didn’t succeed so far:
<dyn type="dataFrame" name="Layers" property="time" emptyStr="[off]"/>
— but couldn’t figure how to change it to show the ‘Shape_Length’ field.I think the answer would be in connection to the LayerTime function.
I’ve joined a csv file of values (0-100) (created in Excel), with local authority boundaries for the UK in ArcMap 10.1. I want to display the percentage of these areas not receiving 3G mobile coverage.
I’ve gone into properties and then selected quantities. I’ve selected the data I want to display and it displays huge values which are not in either the original data set or in the attributes table. Why is this? Here is a screen shot (note the range):
When I go into the attributes table for the selected variable (‘t’) and then sort descending, the largest value is 99. Why does it think there are values up to 1965621253?
I’ve not managed to find an answer online but so far I’ve:
I loaded OSM File for Pennsylvania into a PostGIS Database in PostgreSQL using osm2pgsql. Everything seemed to go without a hitch until I finally connected to the Database in arcCatalog and tried to view the layers. My plan was to use these for a basemap. When I tried to view the layers I was getting the following error and I’m not sure if there is a resolution to this, I have never seen it before. Any help would be appriciated.
I am trying to reproject multiple shapefiles in a folder. When I run my program this is the error I am getting:
line 8221, in Project
raise e
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000670: output Output Dataset or Feature Class is same as input Input Dataset or Feature Class
Failed to execute (Project).
I checked my code and I’m not seeing what Im doing wrong. What could be the issue here?
# Import system modules
import arcpy
import os
# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\users\data\shapefile_roads"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
outWorkspace = "C:\users\data\shapefile_roads"
for infc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses():
# Determine if the input has a defined coordinate system, can't project it if it does not
dsc = arcpy.Describe(infc)
if dsc.spatialReference.Name == "Unknown":
print ('skipped this fc due to undefined coordinate system: ' + infc)
# Determine the new output feature class path and name
outfc = os.path.join(outWorkspace, infc)
# Set output coordinate system
outCS = arcpy.SpatialReference('WGS 1984')
# run project tool
arcpy.Project_management(infc, outfc, outCS)
# check messages
I create a lot of county boundaries and was wondering if I could turn a column into a string so I can drop it into another statistical package. In this case SAS and R. For example, the CNTYPROPER field
would be returned as a string
I have two precipitation rasters, each with a different raster cell size 4.1 x 4.1 km, 4.6 x 4.6 km). The two rasters have the same geographic coordinate system, but different projections. I would like to subtract one raster from the other to calculate and map the difference. My understanding is that two rasters must be orthogonal (same resolution and same grid centers) and concurrent (same extent) in order to perform this subtraction procedure. Subtraction can be accomplished using spatial analyst in arcmap. However, my question is…can I use raster calculator with the two rasters ‘as-is’ and let arcmap take care of orthogonality and concurrency issues, or do I need to do pre-processing steps such as alignment and resampling on one of my rasters? If so, what specific pre-processing steps are required?
It appears from (What will happen if we subtract two raster with different cell size using Raster Calculator?) that arcmap will automatically re-sample the smaller raster according to environment settings. But it is not clear to me if this just addresses cell size, or if it also addresses other aspects of orthogonality and concurrency. In order to have full control, what pre-processing steps are needed? Thanks in advance.
I work with ArcMap software and now I have the aim to average individual pixels within a several km radius from daily data for at least 1 month. So I made the grid with 4 km step (the step size is not important for the question) and now I have to average pixels according to the described method. How do you think what the tool from ArcTools window I should use for this?
I want to show a series of data on one chart in ArcGIS. Is there an option to rotate a simple 3d graph on ArcMap? I attach a 2 values example without rotation.
I need the near(dist) command, but I think I need to have a more advanced version than what I have.
I have:
ArcMap 10.0 (Build 4000)
ArcGIS desktop 10 service pack 4 (Build 4000)
license type: ArcView
Is that a basic programme? if so, how does one upgrade?
How do you calculate the nearest distance from one XY coordinate to another XY.
I’m using Arc Map 10
I went into Arc tool box -> proximity -> then I only have 2 buffering options.
But under buffer I do not see any “near features” option
I have a layer that’s a topographic map of a mountain range, represented by a continuous raster. I have another layer that is just points, representing where the summits are.
How can I use the raster layer to attach an elevation to each of these summit points based on location?
I’m using ArcMap 10.1.
I’ve tried using Extract value to points but it will not work, saying “Failed to add RASTERVALU to table”.
I need to create the SAME polygon shape shown in the image below, just 2 miles larger. The buffer wizard tool is only creating circular buffers around the irregular shape below. Any ideas on how to preserve the shape just 2 miles larger?
Referring to the screenshot, I’d like to know how to fill the output column with unique values that either have the same name as the input files or otherwise have some unique value in each cell. If I fill in the first output cell, and then right-click and use fill, it fills the entire column with the same file name as used in the first cell, therefore I only get one output file. If I don’t fill in the output column at all, I get unique file names for each cell, but they are saved to the default gdb which gives me difficulty. What I’d like to do is to save unique file names to a directory that I choose. Is there a way to do this?
I have two shape files contains considerably large data. I exported them to my geodatabase(using arccatolog), which takes 2 days. The problem is their srid must be changed. So i tried creating new table from the tables i exported with sde.st_transform method but the query did not end. At the end 5th day i stop the query. In previous versions of the arcgis server i use shp2sde function from linux command line and give the srid parameter directly. But in 10.2 version i could not find such a functionality. So i got only arcmap&arccatolog and SQL options. I need to set srid of this shape files before i exported them. So what can i do?
I’m running ArcMap 10.3 and there is no “From PDF” toolset available in my conversion tools list. Also, trying to use the ArcPy PDFToTIFF_conversion method fails.
Specifically ArcMap is version
Python is version 2.7.8 (downloaded & installed from my esri portal)
I think my version upgrades on this machine have gone from 10.1 > 10.2.2 > 10.3. I do not have ArcGIS Pro installed, just ArcMap 10.3 Basic.
Am I missing something, does anyone have any idea on what to check or look for?
Edit: found the install folder and it looks like I might be running 10.3 prerelease. I am going to reinstall 10.3 and see what happens.
I will selected one feature in ArcMap that feature zoom in viewer window in ArcMap i tried in ArcMap VBA but no result
Public Sub zoomtool()
Dim pDoc As IMxDocument
Set pDoc = ThisDocument
Dim pMap As IMap
Set pMap = pDoc.FocusMap
———————————————–Here how to call viewer window
Set act = pMap
Dim pLayer As IFeatureLayer
Dim pFSel As IFeatureSelection
For i = 0 To pMap.LayerCount - 1
Set pLayer = pMap.Layer(i)
Set pFSel = pLayer
'Get the selected features
Dim pSelSet As ISelectionSet
Set pSelSet = pFSel.SelectionSet
Dim pEnumGeom As IEnumGeometry
Dim pEnumGeomBind As IEnumGeometryBind
Set pEnumGeom = New EnumFeatureGeometry
Set pEnumGeomBind = pEnumGeom
pEnumGeomBind.BindGeometrySource Nothing, pSelSet
Dim pGeomFactory As IGeometryFactory
Set pGeomFactory = New GeometryEnvironment
Dim pGeom As IGeometry
Set pGeom = pGeomFactory.CreateGeometryFromEnumerator(pEnumGeom)
pDoc.ActiveView.Extent = pGeom.Envelope
Next i
End Sub
I have two satellite imagery with same projection system i.e. QND_1995_Qatara_National_Grid as Spatial Reference and D_QND_1995 as Datum.
After receiving the B Satellite Image , I converted it to QND1995 Projection system , but it still does not matches and also tried vice versa , but still i could see a shift of 5-10m.
Note : Both the satellite image are of same resolution i.e. 0.5m
My Task is to make sure both the satellite imagery overlap each other without any shift.
Being new to ArcMap, and ArcPy I have a problem with a script including several geoprocessing functions.
The number of functions inspired a search for a means to save outputs (subsequent inputs) to memory, leading to the ‘in_memory’ assist provided by ArcMap.
However the following script errors out at the RasterToPolygon_Conversion() and I am unsure why…
import arcpy
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\Users\Important\testMap.mxd"
DEM_raster_layer = "C:\canyon.tif"
Camera_point_layer = "C:\birdsEye.shp"
# Process: Visibility analysis
arcpy.gp.Visibility_sa(DEM_raster_layer, Camera_point_layer, "in_memory", "",
"FREQUENCY", "NODATA", "0.00001201","FLAT_EARTH", "0.13", "", "",
"OFFSETA", "", "", "AZIMUTH1", "AZIMUTH2", "VERT1", "VERT2")
# Process: Visibilty boundries cleanup
arcpy.gp.BoundaryClean_sa("in_memory", "in_memory\1", "ASCEND", "TWO_WAY")
# Process: Visibility raster to polygon(s)
arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion("in_memory\1", "in_memory\2", "NO_SIMPLIFY", "")
Here is the following error return:
Runtime error Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 32, in File “c:arcgisdesktop10.2arcpyarcpyconversion.py”, line 244, in RasterToPolygon raise e ExecuteError: ERROR 000582: Error occurred during execution.
Im guessing there is some syntax or logic mistake in this method?
I know that the addins are ‘lazy loading’, but I want to initialize some variables on startup of arcmap. This would be loading user preference data for the workflow we have in place, updating the FC with initial data etc.
Any direction on how to do this would be great.