Geometry Location In Respect To Another Geometry
I am trying to figure out where a geometry is residing in respect to another geometry. My Image explains things better, I have Square nodes A, and B. and I have circle Child nodes X, and Y. I have all...
View ArticleTrying to print classLables in symbology type UNIQUE VALUES
I have a classified image of 10 classes stacked together. Once I put them into ArcMap they don’t appear as 10 individual classes, they look like one big class. When I click on unique values the...
View ArticleCreating contours from DEM for multiple files using ArcMap ModelBuilder?
How can i create an ArcMap model in ModelBuilder to iterate through a folder and applying contouring tool on all tif DEM files on that folder.
View ArticleSplit a polygons into many polygons based on points using ArcMap
I have: A polygon feature that is a national park boundary, A multi-point feature that are security guard posts (number = n ) of the same park. I want to divide the national park area into ‘n‘ polygons...
View ArticleLoss of Polygon area field when creating a hosted service from a layer in...
My work team is planning to work with data from the ArcGIS Collector app in excel (exported from ArcGIS Online as a .CSV) and require the area of each polygon feature for later analysis. When our...
View ArticleHow do I get my Data Driven Pages Inset Map to center the grid featured?
I’m doing data driven pages manually. I had this working out just fine but I must have changed the settings and can’t figure out how to get the locator map to follow the grid featured.
View ArticleRaster Calculator to extract elevation and slope conditions in ArcGIS for...
I’ve got a DEM (“ASTER_Nepal.tif”) and a slope (“ASTER_Slope.tif”) and am trying to create a new raster for elevation values between 2000 & 7000m and between 5 & 60 degree slope. I’ve tried to...
View ArticleAdjusting automatically angle before printing Strip Map from Data Driven Pages?
Is it possible using Data Driven Pages automatically adjusting angle to the print frame area before exporting to pdf? I have blocks (red marked, a3 format, 1:1000 scale) where each is in different...
View ArticleUncompressed size of ASTER DEM tile is 0 Bytes
I have downloaded ASTER DEM tiles(n=400), I have to merge/mosaic them. While doing so I got a problem with one tile which does not merge but displays correctly. I have downloaded it again but still I...
View ArticleDissolving redundant fields in ArcGIS for Desktop?
I have a map of a small neighbourhood. I’m trying to label these but because of the grid being squares the objects are split and therefore showing two two or more labels of each location. I’m trying to...
View ArticleLinking datasets for two polygon layers in ArcMap?
I have two polygon shp files that do not have a common ID. I’m trying to link the datasets with a common ID based on spatial location. Is there a tool/process to link features (common ID in the...
View ArticleSpatial Query between polyline features and point features within specified...
I’m new to GIS (so I’m lost on this) and looking for a C# code sample to help me do 2 types of spatial queries. I have 2 Layers only. First layer is pipelines, which are polyline shapes so I can select...
View ArticleIssue with arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management in tool
I have created a python toolbox that creates separate layers based on unique field values within a feature layer. For some reason arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management will create the layer but will not...
View ArticleDefault attribute when merging two polygons in ArcMap?
When merging two polygons in ArcMap 10.3, it appears that the new polygon always inherits the attributes of the larger (by area) of the two input polygons, unless otherwise specified. Is this by...
View ArticleGenerating random points stratified by category within sampling hexagons...
I am trying to use two different layers together to generate a layer of random points that represent sample sites. The two layers are: A grid layer of hexagon-shaped polygons created using the [Create...
View ArticleManually selecting colors for different polygons within layer in ArcMap?
There is a polygon layer with several polygons. They are displayed with some colour which can be changed simultaneously for all of them. Is there a way to manually select several polygons (without...
View ArticleAutomatically make maps from point file? [closed]
Please forgive me if this is an overly basic or broad question. I am a competent user of ArcGIS. I have a shapefile containing thousands of points. I’d like to automatically make a map of each point,...
View ArticleSelecting certain area of polygon according to size in ArcMap?
I have a set of polygons with a certain size (3500 sq meters each for examples). I only need 3000 sq meters of every polygon. Is there an automatic or semi-automatic way to create sub-polygons out of...
View ArticleSequentially distilling several raster data sets into final map based on...
I have 120 daily data sets that contain a value only when a threshold temperature is exceeded. If the threshold has been reached that pixel was assigned a value indicating the day it occurred (the...
View ArticleRaster layer not visible after using “Plus” and “Minus”
I will go thru all my steps so you can get a better understanding about what I’ve done so far. I have added layers to ArcMap and used Polygon to raster and PolyLine to raster to convert them into...
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