I ran across an issue the other day when I tried to use ArcPython’s mapping module to edit rectangle text elements with newlines (n) in an ArcMap document. Here’s what the output looked like:
Here’s the code I used to generate that output. The first column are rectangle text elements Text1, Text2, Text3 going down; the second column are “plain” text elements Text4, Text5, and Text6 going down.
import os
import arcpy
HomeDir = r"C:Desktop"
arcpy.env.workspace = HomeDir
CurrentMXD = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:DesktopTextTest.mxd")
OutputFilename = r"C:DesktopTextTest.pdf"
if os.path.exists(OutputFilename):
for TextElement in arcpy.mapping.ListLayoutElements(CurrentMXD, "TEXT_ELEMENT"):
TextElementName = TextElement.name
String1 = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.nShe sells sea shells by the sea shore."
String2 = "The quick brown fox njumped over the lazy dog.nShe sells sea shells by the sea shore."
String3 = "The quick brown fox jumped nover the lazy dog.nShe sells sea shells by the sea shore."
if TextElementName == "Text1":
TextElement.text = String1
if TextElementName == "Text2":
TextElement.text = String2
if TextElementName == "Text3":
TextElement.text = String3
if TextElementName == "Text4":
TextElement.text = String1
if TextElementName == "Text5":
TextElement.text = String2
if TextElementName == "Text6":
TextElement.text = String3
arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF(CurrentMXD, OutputFilename)
So far, it looks like the presence of the messed up text depends on whether the line is longer enough to wrap, and whether the line before the newline is longer than the line after the newline.
Any ideas about what could be going wrong? Is there a workaround? I could use plain text elements and worry about wrapping lines using Python, but I’m hoping I can figure something out.