I have a list of aprox 150 unique road names in Excel. I copy and paste (as text option) that list into Word (2013 version). I then “replace” all the end paragraphs (^p) with quotes and commas (‘,’). This gets the list to go from:
to looking like
Then within Arc’s Select by Attribute I use this text in the query
Road_Name IN ('Cambie','Blanchard','Cook')
which gives me an SQL error. Any idea why I would be getting the error?
From trial and error I have come to realize that when I paste the text the quotes are a different length than if I had just typed them. See screen shot – the first road name’s quotes (which I pasted) are shorter than the second road name’s quotes (which I typed out in the query box).
When I query the one with the longer quotes by itself it works. Why would my pasted quotes be shorter? Any suggestions as to how I can query the 150 road names without having to re-type every quote?